from_user to_user
孙悟空 唐僧
唐僧 如来佛祖
唐僧 观音菩萨
观音菩萨 如来佛祖
唐僧 孙悟空
孙悟空 玉皇大帝
玉皇大帝 如来佛祖
如来佛祖 观音菩萨
如来佛祖 玉皇大帝
如来佛祖 唐僧
孙悟空 猪八戒
猪八戒 嫦娥
猪八戒 孙悟空
猪八戒 唐僧
猪八戒 沙僧
沙僧 猪八戒
沙僧 玉皇大帝
沙僧 孙悟空
沙僧 唐僧
方法一,自关联join,t1.from = t2.to
(t1主动关注者被t2的关注) + t1.to= t2.from
(t2主动关注者被t1的关注) ,会有数据膨胀。
with tmp as
select '孙悟空' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
union all
select '唐僧' as from_user, '如来佛祖' as to_user
union all
select '唐僧' as from_user, '观音菩萨' as to_user
union all
select '观音菩萨' as from_user, '如来佛祖' as to_user
union all
select '唐僧' as from_user, '孙悟空' as to_user
union all
select '孙悟空' as from_user, '玉皇大帝' as to_user
union all
select '玉皇大帝' as from_user, '如来佛祖' as to_user
union all
select '如来佛祖' as from_user, '观音菩萨' as to_user
union all
select '如来佛祖' as from_user, '玉皇大帝' as to_user
union all
select '如来佛祖' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
union all
select '孙悟空' as from_user, '猪八戒' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '嫦娥' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '孙悟空' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '沙僧' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '猪八戒' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '玉皇大帝' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '孙悟空' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
if(b.from_user is not null, 1, 0) as is_friend -- 1:互相关注
from tmp a
left join tmp b
on a.from_user=b.to_user and a.to_user=b.from_user
方法二,针对表中数据每一行,新增一列单向关系。例如A关注B 或者 B关注A,单向关注关系都是A->B。当A->B这一行时,按单向关注关系分区,分区内有A->B 和 A->B两行,那么计数为2的就是互相关注的。
with tmp as
select '孙悟空' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
union all
select '唐僧' as from_user, '如来佛祖' as to_user
union all
select '唐僧' as from_user, '观音菩萨' as to_user
union all
select '观音菩萨' as from_user, '如来佛祖' as to_user
union all
select '唐僧' as from_user, '孙悟空' as to_user
union all
select '孙悟空' as from_user, '玉皇大帝' as to_user
union all
select '玉皇大帝' as from_user, '如来佛祖' as to_user
union all
select '如来佛祖' as from_user, '观音菩萨' as to_user
union all
select '如来佛祖' as from_user, '玉皇大帝' as to_user
union all
select '如来佛祖' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
union all
select '孙悟空' as from_user, '猪八戒' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '嫦娥' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '孙悟空' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
union all
select '猪八戒' as from_user, '沙僧' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '猪八戒' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '玉皇大帝' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '孙悟空' as to_user
union all
select '沙僧' as from_user, '唐僧' as to_user
,count(1) over(partition by feature) as is_friend ---1:不是 2:是
,if(from_user>to_user,concat(from_user,to_user),concat(to_user,from_user)) as feature
from tmp
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